Ria Irons

Nurse & Patient Advocate

Free 15 min Intro Call


Years of Experience

In-Person & Virtual Support Available

Nice To Meet You!

After 10+ years of watching families struggle to navigate the healthcare system I transitioned to advocacy. As your advocate, I'll help you and your loved ones understand, plan, and conquer healthcare challenges. With personalized support, together, we'll navigate your journey with confidence.

A Bit About My Approach:

Described by a client as a 'problem solver, sanity-checker, and overall calmer-downer,' my approach is all about you. I start by listening and understanding your specific needs. You can trust me to advocate for you and provide the information you need to make informed decisions.

What To Expect From Our Intro Call:

In our first 15 minutes, let's chat! I'll introduce myself, get to know you, and figure out how I can help. No pressure at all. If it clicks, we'll kick off the journey. Excited to connect – chat soon!

Top Specialties
Care Coordination

Care Coordination

Hospital Admission & Discharge

Hospital Admission & Discharge

Assisted Living & Nursing Home Placement

Assisted Living & Nursing Home Placement

Geriatric Patient Care Advocate

CT Health Advocate

2021 - Present

East Hampton, CT

- Advocate for elderly patients' needs - Ensure quality care & communication - Navigate healthcare system - Promote patient rights & dignity

Long Term Care Nurse

Skilled Nursing Facilities, Senior Living Communities

2015 - Present


Provide Compassionate care, team collaboration, support families, safety, document progress.

More About Ria


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Solace’s mission is to empower patients, improve outcomes, and restore the promise of the U.S. healthcare system.

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(415) 741-5420

9am to 5pm PT

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