Carolyn Walsh, MS, LPN, CMC

Certified Geriatric Care Manager

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Meet Carolyn Walsh, MS, LPN, CMC


Carolyn Walsh, MS, LPN, CNC is the owner and founder of Senior Steps, Inc. in Hingham, MA, a full-service Geriatric Care Management company with a mission of bringing a unique sense of appreciation for each season of life and a positive outlook on aging to its clients on the South Shore and beyond. We provide guidance, advocacy, education, and coaching to secure the very best medical and home care for our clients. With a background in both education and nursing, we build a team of personal and professional support unique to each client in living life where and how they wish.

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Assisted Living & Nursing Home Placement

Assisted Living & Nursing Home Placement

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Solace’s mission is to empower patients, improve outcomes, and restore the promise of the U.S. healthcare system.

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(415) 741-5420

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